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Magnetic phase diagrams of YVO$$_{3}$$ and TbVO$$_{3}$$ under high pressure

Bizen, Daisuke*; Nakao, Hironori*; Iwasa, Kazuaki*; Murakami, Yoichi*; Osakabe, Toyotaka  ; Fujioka, Jun*; Yasue, Toshio*; Miyasaka, Shigeki*; Tokura, Yoshinori*

The magnetic phase diagrams for $$R$$VO$$_{3}$$ ($$R$$ = Y, Tb) were determined by low temperature and high pressure neutron-diffraction techniques. We found that the magnetic ground state in TbVO$$_{3}$$ changes from ${it C}$-type spin ordering (${it C}$-SO) to ${it G}$-type spin ordering (${it G}$-SO) on application of pressure. The transition of the magnetic ground state also indicates that the ground state of the orbital ordering changes from ${it G}$-type orbital ordering (${it G}$-OO) to ${it C}$-type orbital ordering (${it C}$-OO). In YVO$$_{3}$$, the ${it G}$-SO and ${it C}$-OO phases set in simultaneously up to 6.2 GPa, and the disorder-[${it G}$-SO, ${it C}$-OO] phase transition appears above 6 GPa. This is the first observation of a simultaneous spin and orbital order-disorder phase transition in perovskite-type transition-metal oxides $$R$$MO$$_{3}$$. The [${it G}$-SO, ${it C}$-OO] phase is strongly stabilized with increasing pressure, and both the covalency effect and the superexchange interaction play roles in this stabilization.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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