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Stress partitioning behavior of multilayered steels during tensile deformation measured by in situ neutron diffraction

Ojima, Mayumi*; Inoue, Junya*; Nambu, Shoichi*; Xu, P. G.   ; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi  ; Koseki, Toshihiko*

Stress partitioning in multilayered steels consisting of martensitic and austenitic layers was measured during tensile deformation by in situ neutron diffraction measurements to investigate the mechanism of improved strength-elongation combinations. The deformation mode can be classified into three stages, and the results indicated that the applied stress is effectively transferred to the martensitic phase, because no stress concentration sites exist, owing to the multilayered structure. Hence, even as-quenched martensite deformed uniformly, resulting in improved strength-elongation balance in multilayered steels.



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Category:Nanoscience & Nanotechnology



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