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Report No.

In situ crystallographic orientation observation during phase transformation of low alloy steels studied by neutron diffraction

Xu, P. G.   ; Tomota, Yo*; Vogel, S. C.*

Though the phase stress/strain and the texture evolution may provide direct data in modeling the variant selection, no quantitative measurement at high temperature has been reported because these transformations involve evident composition diffusion and the solute concentration change in austenite. Here, the microstructure evolution and the texture evolution in the austenite transformation, the ferrite transformation of low-alloy steel was in situ investigated by neutron diffraction. It is found due to the static recrystallization during heating, the cold compression texture cannot be memorized after the $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$-$$alpha$$ transformation. The stored energy obtained from cold compression is consumed during the recrystallization, and the diffusional phase transformation is suspected to occur without remarkable influence from the deformation stored energy.



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