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Report No.

A Precise measurement of laser accelerated protons with CR-39 track detectors

Kanasaki, Masato; Fukuda, Yuji; Sakaki, Hironao; Yogo, Akifumi; Jinno, Satoshi   ; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Ogura, Koichi; Kondo, Kiminori; Oda, Keiji*; Yamauchi, Tomoya*

Recently, solid state nuclear track detectors such as CR-39 detectors have been extensively used in laser-driven ion acceleration experiments, because CR-39 can record the tracks of ion clearly even in the intense fields of photons and high energy electrons. By analyzing the etch pit growth behavior, we can obtain not only the radial intensity distribution of ion beam, but the energy and nuclear species for each ion precisely. This method allows us to measure the maximum energy of proton precisely, which is obtained up to the hundredth place in unit of MeV in the laser-driven particle acceleration experiment.



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