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Hydroxyl radical, sulfate radical and nitrate radical reactivity towards crown ethers in aqueous solutions

Wan, L. K.*; Peng, J.*; Lin, M.; Muroya, Yusa*; Katsumura, Yosuke*; Fu, H. Y.*

Rate constants of common crown ethers ((C$$_{2}$$H$$_{4}$$O)$$_{n}$$, n=4, 5, 6) and their model compound, 1,4-dioxane(6C2) with some important oxidative radicals, $$^{cdot}$$OH, SO$$_{4}^{cdot-}$$, and NO$$_{3}^{cdot}$$ were determined in various aqueous solutions using pulse radiolysis and laser photolysis techniques. The rate constants for 6C2 and crown ethers with $$^{cdot}$$OH and SO$$_{4}^{cdot-}$$ increase with the number of H-atom in the ethers, indicating that H-abstraction is dominant reaction between crown ethers and these two radicals. The presence of cations in solution has negligible effect on the rate constants for $$^{cdot}$$OH and SO$$_{4}^{cdot-}$$. However, for NO$$_{3}^{cdot}$$, the rate constants is not in proportional to H-atom number in crown ethers, and the 12-crown-4 is most reactive compared with the others. For the studied crown ethers, the rate constants of these oxidative radicals have the order: $$^{cdot}$$OH $$>$$ SO$$_{4}^{cdot-}$$ $$>$$ NO$$_{3}^{cdot}$$. This is the first report on the kinetic behavior of crown ethers with NO$$_{3}^{cdot}$$, and it would be helpful for the understanding of stability of crown ethers in the nuclear fuel reprocessing.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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