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Report No.

Studies on estimation of hydrogeological structure using self-potential monitoring around Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU)

Tokuyasu, Shingo; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Hodotsuka, Yasuyuki*

During drilling the pilot boring in October 2008 before construction of -300 m Access/Research Gallery, groundwater inflow more than 1,000 L/min is induced, and original signals of SP monitoring are observed. First of all in this study, we thus assess the method of data processing to extract the applicable signal from SP monitoring, and the hydrogeological structure is estimated using the treated data. Secondly, the signals of SP monitoring observed between March and April in 2006 when pumping of groundwater from the shafts are applied to the same method of data processing mentioned above. In addition, the treated data is used to estimate the hydrogeological structures more in detail. Considering all results together, the applicability of SP monitoring for estimating the distributions of major water-conducting features and faults with low permeability is discussed. As the result of this study, we conclude that it is likely that the hydrogeological structures would be estimated using the SP monitoring.



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