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Fabrication and replacement work of beryllium frame and gamma-ray shield

綿引 俊介; 塙 善雄; 浅野 典一; 檜山 和久; 伊藤 祥人; 坪井 一明; 深作 秋富

Watahiki, Shunsuke; Hanawa, Yoshio; Asano, Norikazu; Hiyama, Kazuhisa; Ito, Sachito; Tsuboi, Kazuaki; Fukasaku, Akitomi


This replacement work was carried out under refurbishment plan of JMTR for beryllium distortion draw to acceptable limit. And gamma-ray shield refurbishment was carried out the view point of prevention maintenance in consideration of operation plan. Fabrication of beryllium frame and gamma-ray shield was spent for two years it was finished in February, 2010. It took five months to replacement work from January 2010. In this report is presented fabrication and replacement work of beryllium frame and gamma-ray shield.



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