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Partial gap opening on the Fermi surface of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor Mo$$_3$$Al$$_2$$C

Koyama, Takehide*; Ozaki, Yuzuru*; Ueda, Koichi*; Mito, Takeshi*; Kohara, Takao*; Waki, Tsuyoshi*; Tabata, Yoshikazu*; Michioka, Chishiro*; Yoshimura, Kazuyoshi*; Suzuki, Michito; Nakamura, Hiroyuki*

The results of $$^{27}$$Al nuclear magnetic resonance and specific-heat measurements of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor Mo$$_3$$Al$$_2$$C are reported. The phase transition around 130 K is inferred from a distinct change in the NMR spectrum, a clear peak in the spin-echo decay rate, and an anomaly in the specific heat. Possibility of charge-density wave ordering around 130 K is discussed by calculating the Fermi surfaces in the normal states and considering the partial quenching of the Fermi surfaces with the decrease in 1/$$T$$$$_1$$ below the superconducting transition temperature.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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