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Report No.

Integrity evaluation of removable lid type shielded container

Uesaka, Takahiro; Kozawa, Masachiyo; Matsumoto, Junko ; Endo, Masayuki; Kinoshita, Junichi; Suzuki, Takeshi; Suzuki, Hisao; Morishita, Satoru; Sakamoto, Yu

In Japan Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Science Research Institute waste treatment building No.2 treat intermediate-level solid waste. Solid wastes are reduced in volume by compaction. They are then canned in stainless can, which are subsequently put in 200-liter concrete-lined drums or 1-m$$^{3}$$ concrete containers, filled with concrete. To prepare for disposal in future, be able to make fit with the technical standard of waste package, we were asked to change the lid type shielded container. Therefore due to the change of lid type shielded container, we confirmed integrity of it with evaluation of close volt by drop analysis, evaluation of shielding, and drop test with a prototype model.



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