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Report No.

Multi-intruder structures in $$^{34}$$P

Bender, P. C.*; Tabor, S. L.*; Tripathi, V.*; Hoffman, C. R.*; Hamilton, L.*; Volya, A.*; Clark, R. M.*; Fallon, P.*; Macchiavelli, A. O.*; Paschalis, S.*; Petri, M.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Janssens, R. V. F.*; Lauritsen, T.*; McCutchan, E. A.*; Seweryniak, D.*; Zhu, S.*; Chiara, C. J.*; Chen, X.*; Reviol, W.*; Sarantites, D. G.*; Toh, Yosuke   

The available experimental information on $$^{34}$$P has been greatly increased through the analysis of $$gamma$$ decays in coincidence with protons from the interaction of an $$^{18}$$O beam at 24 MeV with an $$^{18}$$O target. Light charged particles from the reaction were detected with Microball, and multiple $$gamma$$ ray coincidences with Gammasphere. Many newly observed $$gamma$$ transitions have been identified and placed in the level scheme. Additionally, for most states, spins have been assigned based on measured $$gamma$$ ray angular distributions while parities were inferred from lifetimes determined through Doppler-broadened line-shape analysis. Most of the states observed have been interpreted in terms of shell-model calculations using the WBP-a and SDPF-NR interactions having one particle in the 0$$f$$$$_{7/2}$$ or 1$$p$$$$_{3/2}$$ orbital. The two calculations agree almost equally well with the data resulting in root-mean-square differences of about 200 keV. However, two of a few high-lying states may be associated with stretched $$pi$$$$f$$$$_{7/2}$$ $$otimes$$ $$nu$$$$f$$$$_{7/2}$$ states, but the calculations over-predict their energies by 2-3 MeV. Furthermore, a newly observed long-lived 7919-keV state is established for which no explanation is available at present.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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