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Report No.

High-j proton alignments in $$^{101}$$Pd

Zhou, H. B.*; Zhou, X. H.*; Zhang, Y. H.*; Zheng, Y.*; Liu, M. L.*; Zhang, N. T.*; Chen, L.*; Wang, S. T.*; Li, G. S.*; Wang, H. X.*; Ding, B.*; Lei, X. G.*; Guo, Y. X.*; Dong, G. X.*; Xu, F. R.*; Oshima, Masumi; Toh, Yosuke   ; Koizumi, Mitsuo ; Osa, Akihiko  ; Hatsukawa, Yuichi

High-spin states in $$^{101}$$Pd have been investigated by means of in-beam $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopic techniques. The previously known $$d$$$$_{5/2}$$ and 1/2$$^-$$[550] bands were extended to higher spins. The band crossings observed experimentally are explained by the alignment of $$g$$$$_{9/2}$$ protons. The band properties in $$^{101}$$Pd are compared with those in the neighboring nuclei and are discussed within the framework of the cranked shell model.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Nuclear



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