Support required for safety management of JMTR in extended shutdown
綿引 俊介; 山浦 高幸 ; 楠 剛
Watahiki, Shunsuke; Yamaura, Takayuki; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi
The Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) had been operated for 38 years with 165 cycles for various users since the first criticality in 1968. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) decided to refurbish the JMTR for long-term operation. The JMTR has been in an extended shutdown period since August, 2006 for its refurbishment, and will restart in 2012. In order to enhance the operational capability of JMTR, equipments to be renewed were selected based on the evaluation on its damage and wear in term of aging and so on. As for the safety management during reactor operation, the facility periodical own inspection and daily inspection is carried out for the purpose of maintaining soundness and reliability of facility and equipments. The safety management during reactor shutdown is also carried out as well as it of reactor operation term. Long-term safety operation of the JMTR will be realized by the refurbishment on the appropriate components with the justified inspection and the renewal work. For the influence of the earthquake, the investigation into integrity of JMTR facilities has been carried out until now.