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Report No.

Conceptual design of multipurpose compact research reactor

Nagata, Hiroshi ; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi ; Hori, Naohiko ; Kaminaga, Masanori  

Conceptual design of the high-performance and low-cost multipurpose compact research reactor which will be expected to construct in the nuclear power plant introduction countries, started from 2010 in JAEA and nuclear-related companies in Japan. The aims of this conceptual design are to achieve highly safe reactor, economical design, high availability factor and advanced irradiation utilization. Some types of materials testing reactors such as tank type, swimming pool type, etc. are operated in the world. Swimming pool type reactors are generally economical on running cost. From the viewpoint of neutron economy, high power reactors more than about 30 MW are uneconomical on fuel cost because of neutron poisoning. One of the basic reactor concept was therefore determined as swimming pool type, thermal power of 10 MW and water cooled and moderated reactor with plate type fuel element same as the JMTR.



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