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Report No.

X-ray detection capability of a BaCl$$_{2}$$ single crystal scintillator

Koshimizu, Masanori*; Onodera, Kazuya*; Nishikido, Fumihiko*; Haruki, Rie; Shibuya, Kengo*; Kishimoto, Shunji*; Asai, Keisuke*

The X-ray detection capability of a scintillation detector equipped with a BaCl$$_{2}$$ single crystal was evaluated. The scintillation decay kinetics can be expressed by a sum of two exponential decay components. The fast and slow components have lifetimes of 1.5 and 85 ns, respectively. The total light output is 5% that of YAP:Ce. A subnanosecond timing resolution was obtained. The detection efficiency of a 67.41 keV X-ray is 87% for a detector equipped with a BaCl$$_{2}$$ crystal 6-mm thick. Thus, excellent timing resolution and high detection efficiency can be simultaneously achieved. Additionally, luminescence decay characteristics under vacuum ultraviolet excitation have been investigated. Radiative decay of self-trapped excitons is thought to be responsible for the fast scintillation component.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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