Investigation on analytical method for the transfer behavior of corrosion product (CP) in the fast breeder reactors
松尾 陽一郎; 佐々木 新治

Matsuo, Yoichiro; Sasaki, Shinji
Radioactive corrosion products (CP) are main cause of personal radiation exposure during maintenance without fuel failure in FBR plants. The most important CP species are
Mn and
Co. The deposited radioactive CP cause radiation fields near the piping and components. Then, the deposited radioactive CP contributes to the radiation exposure of the plant-worker. In this review, firstly, collects knowledge about CP transfer behavior in the fast reactor and analyzes it and organize essence of the CP transfer behavior. Secondly, existing method to parse CP transfer behavior is investigated and extracts the issues and discusses it about the solution of those issues. Finally, about a specific example of the improvement based on the solution, a recent trend is investigated and describes evaluated content.