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Report No.

Investigation on highly alkaline plume spreading over host rock of geological disposal of TRU waste by reactive transport analysis

Takeda, Seiji ; Nishimura, Yuki; Munakata, Masahiro ; Sawaguchi, Takuma ; Kimura, Hideo

In safety assessments of the geological disposal of TRU waste, it is important to understand the possibility and extents of influence of hyperalkaline groundwater derived from the degradation of cementitious materials that are used as forms for the containment of waste and as constructional materials in the disposal facilities of TRU waste. In this research, reactive transport analyses of hyperalkaline plume induced by cementitious materials were performed to clarify the extent of the hyperalkaline groundwater spreading and the type of alterations occurring with or without considering the precipitation of zeolite. The effect of the groundwater velocities on the spread of hyperalkaline groundwater was also examined. The analysis results indicate that whether zeolites precipitate or not significantly affect extent of hyperalkaline groundwater and the amount of precipitation of secondary minerals. In the case that groundwater velocity was 10 times higher, hyperalkaline groundwater spread broader than the original groundwater velocity case. It might be due to our kinetic dissolution model of host rock minerals, which limits chemical reactions neutralizing hyperalkaline groundwater.



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