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Report No.

Fabrication of polymer optical waveguides for the 1.5-$$mu$$m band using proton beam writing

Miura, Kenta*; Sato, Takahiro; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Koka, Masashi; Takano, Katsuyoshi*; Okubo, Takeru; Yamazaki, Akiyoshi; Kada, Wataru; Yokoyama, Akihito; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Kiryu, Hiromu*; Ozawa, Yusuke*; Hanaizumi, Osamu*

In this work, Mach-Zehnder (MZ) type waveguides of PMMA and photorefractive polysilane were fabricated using proton beam writing (PBW) in order to construct thermo-optic switches. Especially, the waveguides of photorefractive polysilane were fabricated to search a better optical material for the MZ type waveguides. We drew optical waveguides in PMMA and photorefractive polysilane films at a total dose of 100 nC/mm$$^2$$ using 1.7 MeV H$$^+$$ beam focused to about 1 $$mu$$m. In this drawing, a core width and a branching angle were set to 8 $$mu$$m and 2$$^circ$$ to work as single-mode waveguide and to reduce a branching loss of light, respectively. The optical transmission with single mode was observed from the two MZ type waveguides of PMMA and photorefractive polysilane films in its experiments. This observation demonstrated that the fabrication of the optical waveguides was succeeded in PMMA and photorefractive polysilane films. In the conference, the fabrication of the MZ type waveguides and the observation results of optical transmission will be presented in detail.



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