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Report No.

Recombination performance experiment of hydrogen recombination catalyst

Kamiji, Yu

In Fukushima-NPP, cesium adsorption apparatus is used to defecate radioactivities in polluted water. Zeolite as adsorbing material is set into adsorption vessel. The polluted water is led into the vessel and the cesium in the water is adsorbed. Spent vessel including zeolite is exchanged for new vessel and temporarily stored in storage facility. Residual water in the vessel is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by radiolysis. It is important to consider them for safety storage. It was proposed to install recombination catalyst in the vessel which can lead to recombine hydrogen and oxygen into water under ambient temperature and pressure. To apply the catalyst to the vessel, we tried to measured reaction rate of hydrogen by catalyst. In the experiments, hydrogen and oxygen mixed humid gas was led to catalyst and several temperature conditions were tested. They were found that hydrogen reaction rate was 100% for 80degree-celsious humid gas and over 50% under the dew condensation.



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