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Report No.

Decontamination of outdoor school swimming pools in Fukushima after the nuclear accident in March 2011

Saegusa, Jun; Kurikami, Hiroshi  ; Yasuda, Ryo; Kurihara, Kazuo; Arai, Shigeki; Kuroki, Ryota; Matsuhashi, Shimpei; Ozawa, Takashi; Goto, Hiroaki; Takano, Takao; Mitamura, Hisayoshi; Nagano, Tetsushi  ; Naganawa, Hirochika  ; Yoshida, Zenko; Funaki, Hironori ; Tokizawa, Takayuki; Nakayama, Shinichi 

After the Nuclear accident on March 2011, water discharge from many outdoor swimming pools in the Fukushima prefecture was suspended out of concern that radiocesium in the pool water would flow into farmlands. We have reviewed the existing flocculation method for decontaminating pool water and established a practical decontamination method by demonstrating the process at several pools in the Fukushima prefecture.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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