※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


The Effect of flow-accelerated corrosion with high-temperature sodium hydroxide on tube target-wastage caused in steam generator of sodium-cooled fast reactor

栗原 成計 ; 菊地 晋  ; 梅田 良太 ; 大島 宏之

Kurihara, Akikazu; Kikuchi, Shin; Umeda, Ryota; Ohshima, Hiroyuki


The wastage on adjacent tubes (target-wastage) is caused by water/steam leak accident in steam generator of sodium-cooled fast reactor. Target-wastage should arise from liquid droplet erosion and flow-accelerated corrosion in an environment marked by high-temperature and high-alkali (reaction jet) due to sodium-water reaction. The static and flow-accelerated corrosion experiments have been carried out as a part of phenomena clarification experiments for target-wastage by using tube material under high-temperature sodium-hydroxide and sodium mono-oxide conditions which were mainly generated by sodium-water reaction. The authors evaluated the dependence of regent/tube material temperature and impact velocity upon flow-accelerated corrosion of tube in this report.



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