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Report No.

The Reaction $$^{48}$$Ca + $$^{248}$$Cm $$rightarrow$$ $$^{296}$$116$$^{*}$$ studied at the GSI-SHIP

Hofmann, S.*; Heinz, S.*; Mann, R.*; Maurer, J.*; Khuyagbaatar, J.*; Ackermann, D.*; Antalic, S.*; Barth, B.*; Block, M.*; Burkhard, H. G.*; Comas, V. F.*; Dahl, L.*; Eberhardt, K.*; Gostic, J.*; Henderson, R. A.*; Heredia, J. A.*; He${ss}$berger, F. P.*; Kenneally, J. M.*; Kindler, B.*; Kojouharov, I.*; Kratz, J. V.*; Lang, R.*; Leino, M.*; Lommel, B.*; Moody, K. J.*; M$"u$nzenberg, G.*; Nelson, S. L.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa   ; Popeko, A. G.*; Runke, J.*; Saro, S.*; Shaughnessy, D. A.*; Stoyer, M. A.*; Th$"o$rle-Pospiech, P.*; Tinschert, K.*; Trautmann, C.*; Uusitalo, J.*; Wilk, P. A.*; Yeremin, A. V.*

The synthesis of element 116 in the reactions of $$^{48}$$Ca+$$^{248}$$Cm was studied at the GSI-SHIP. Four decay chains from the isotope $$^{292}$$116 and one decay $$^{293}$$116 were detected at the reaction leading to the excitation energy of 40.9 MeV. The cross sections were 3.4 and 0.9 pb, respectively. The decay character reproduced the reported data at FLNR, Russia. In the $$alpha$$ decay chain, we observed the higher $$alpha$$-particle energy in the decay of $$^{289}$$114, which suggested the population and the decay of a quasiparitcle state.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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