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Report No.

Temperature dependence on sodium-water chemical reaction

Tamura, Kenta*; Deguchi, Yoshihiro*; Suzuki, Koichi*; Takata, Takashi*; Yamaguchi, Akira*; Kikuchi, Shin  ; Ohshima, Hiroyuki

In a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), liquid sodium is used as a heat transfer fluid because of its excellent heat transport capability. On the other hand, it has strong chemical reactivity with water vapor. One of the design basis accidents of the SFR is the water leakage into the liquid sodium flow by a breach of heat transfer tubes. This process ends up damages on the heat transport equipment in the SFR. Therefore, the study on sodium-water chemical reactions is of paramount importance for security reasons. This study aims to clarify the sodium-water reaction mechanisms using laser diagnostics. Temperature, H$$_{2}$$, H$$_{2}$$O, OH, Na and Particulate matter were measured using laser induced fluorescence and CARS in the counter-flow reaction field. From the measured results, major gas-phase reaction of sodium-water reaction was identified.



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