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ITERディスラプション解析のためのDINAシミュレーションモデルの検証; TSCシミュレーション及びASDEX-U計測データとの比較

Verification of DINA simulation model for ITER disruption analysis; Comparison with TSC simulations and ASDEX-U measurements

宮本 斉児; 諫山 明彦; 杉原 正芳*; 草間 義紀

Miyamoto, Seiji; Isayama, Akihiko; Sugihara, Masayoshi*; Kusama, Yoshinori


Accurate modeling of VDEs (Vertical Displacement Events) and plasma disruptions is crucial for estimating disruption-induced forces and heat loads. So far the DINA code has been devoted to the ITER disruption analysis. However, it is important to validate the code results with other codes and experiments. The TSC code is one of the most widely used codes in flux evolution simulation as well as the DINA code. TSC and DINA take very different approach in calculating flux evolution and, therefore, it is worth benchmarking DINA against TSC for revealing the model difference and its effect on the accuracy of simulations. In the past, such benchmark activity was conducted but significant differences could not be diminished due to a large number of model differences. In this study, resistivity of the plasma, time constants of blanket modules and initial plasma equilibrium in the both codes are carefully adjusted each other. The result shows an excellent match in current quench behavior and VDE motion. This observation confirms the reliability of the DINA analysis of ITER disruption. Finally halo current model used in DINA and TSC is benchmarked against experimental data from ASDEX-U. Some needs of model extension, especially necessity of sheath constraint, are discussed.



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