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Report No.

Small-angle neutron scattering study on membrane electrolyte assembly in operating polymer electrolyte fuel cell; Using deuterium gas for contrast variation method

Putra, A.; Yamaguchi, Daisuke; Zhao, Y.; Koizumi, Satoshi

SANS was used to study the ionomer and water on the MEA in operating PEFC. We employed H$$_{2}$$ and D$$_{2}$$ gas as a fuel for operation. With exchange of H$$_{2}$$ and D$$_{2}$$, we aim to perform a contrast variation as for polyelectrolyte film. By changing a fuel gas from H$$_{2}$$ to D$$_{2}$$, SANS quantitatively detected decrease of scattering intensity at scattering maximum originating from the ion-channel in the electrolyte. After quantitative analyses on scattering intensity, which is related to water ratio (H$$_{2}$$O/D$$_{2}$$O) in the ion channel, we found that 30% (wt) of the total water is replaced by D$$_{2}$$O by changing the gas from H$$_{2}$$ to D$$_{2}$$. In a stationary state of fuel cell operation using D$$_{2}$$, the scattering intensity rhythmically oscillates. The rhythmic oscillation found for the peak intensity is a non-equilibrium and non-linear phenomenon, in which flooding in a flow field is a feedback mechanism to slow down chemical reaction or water production by affecting mass transportation of air at the cathode.



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