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Report No.

The Relationship between the amount of oxidation and activation energy on the steam oxidation reaction of Zircaloy-4 cladding

Amaya, Masaki  ; Nagase, Fumihisa 

The relationship between oxidation amount and the activation energy of cladding oxidation by steam was investigated by thermogravimetry. Ring-shaped specimen which was prepared from a Zircaloy-4 cladding tube was hanged in a themobalance, and specimen weight gain due to oxidation was continuously measured in the temperature range from room temperature to $$sim$$1400$$^{circ}$$C under argon-steam gas flow. The activation energy of steam oxidation reaction was evaluated based on measured weight gains by applying a non-isothermal kinetics theory. It was found that the activation energy of oxidation depends on the amount of specimen weight gain. The activation energies showed constant values of $$sim$$-300 and $$sim$$-180 kJ/mol in the range between 30 and 120 g/m$$^{2}$$ and above 120 g/m$$^{2}$$, respectively. The activation energy in the weight gain above 120 g/m$$^{2}$$ agreed well with literature values. The specimen weight gains were formulated using obtained activation energies.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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