※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Progress on design of the microfission chamber for ITER and neutronic analysis for in-situ calibration

石川 正男; 近藤 貴; 草間 義紀

Ishikawa, Masao; Kondoh, Takashi; Kusama, Yoshinori


Fusion power and its time evolution on ITER will be evaluated in terms of the total neutron emission rate as measured with neutron flux monitors. Since a level of accuracy within 10% is required for evaluation of the fusion power in ITER, the relation between the neutron monitor outputs and the total neutron emission rate must exceed this accuracy level in an absolute sense. In ITER, the absolute calibration factors of the neutron flux monitors will be obtained by means of a neutron ${it in-situ}$ calibration procedure. The basic strategy of the ${it in-situ}$ calibration has been studied. In this talk, results of neutronic analysis applied to ${it in-situ}$ calibration of in-vessel neutron flux monitor, Microfission chambers (MFCs) are presented



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