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Report No.

Study on formation of helium bubbles in CeO$$_{2-x}$$

Matsunaga, Junji*; Kashibe, Shinji*; Serizawa, Hiroyuki  ; Oishi, Yuji*; Yamanaka, Shinsuke*

We applied the helium infusion technique by a hot isothermal pressing (HIP) method and CeO$$_{2}$$ was used for helium infusion. A sintered CeO$$_{2}$$ pellet was reduced in hydrogen atmosphere at 1073 K for 1 hour. O/Ce ratio of as-sintered CeO$$_{2}$$ and reduced CeO$$_{2-x}$$ was evaluated by XRD as 2.00 and 1.99, respectively. The helium infusion was conducted under the experimental condition at 1473 K and 50 MPa of helium for CeO$$_{2}$$ and CeO$$_{1.99}$$. As helium treated samples were annealed at 1773 K under atmospheric pressure in argon. By the heat treatment, additional intra- and intergranular bubbles were formed in CeO$$_{1.99}$$. However, such kind of bubble was not found in the stoichiometric CeO$$_{2}$$. The sizes of intragranular bubbles in CeO$$_{1.99}$$ were about less than 100 nm, and intergranular bubbles were larger than those in grain. We at this consider that helium can dissolve into CeO$$_{2}$$ matrix and oxygen vacancy would increase solubility of helium.



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