※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Heavy minerals in the Tsukiyoshi orebody, Tono uranium deposit, central Japan

笹尾 英嗣   ; 中田 正隆*; 小室 光世*

Sasao, Eiji; Nakata, Masataka*; Komuro, Kosei*


Heavy minerals are examined in uranium ores, sandstones and basement granite around the Tsukiyoshi orebody, Tono uranium deposit. Heavy minerals in the uranium ores are composed mainly of biotite, hornblende and opaque minerals. One ore sample contains topaz, cassiterite, garnet and allanite. Heavy minerals in the non-mineralized sandstone consist mainly of hornblende, pyroxene and opaque minerals. Heavy minerals in basement granitic rocks are composed mainly of biotite. On the basis of heavy mineral composition, three sources of detritus are estimated, i.e., granitic rock, volcanic ash, and pegmatite or hydrothermal deposit. Uranium ores are proved to be embedded in the detritus mainly of granitic source, whereas the other sandstones in the Mizunami Group are mainly from volcanic source. Topaz and cassiterite in the ores are estimated to be derived from the pegmatite or hydrothermal deposits within the Naegi granite developed at the northeastern side of the Tsukiyoshi orebody.



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