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Report No.

Basic study on surface chemical combination between beryllium metal and hydrogen isotope gas, 2

Ito, Masayasu ; Kitagishi, Shigeru  ; Hanawa, Yoshio; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko ; Hatano, Yuji*; Matsuyama, Masao*; Nagasaka, Takuya*; Hishinuma, Yoshimitsu*

Beryllium has been utilized as a moderator and/or reflector in a number of material testing reactors. Beryllium is also supposed to be widely used in fusion reactors as neutron multiplier and protective walls of plasma facing components. It is important to perform the characterization of the different grade beryllium such as the productivity, mechanical and chemical properties and the interaction under water and/or gas environment. In this study, three kinds of beryllium (S-200F, S-65H, I-220H) were prepared, and corrosion test and surface analysis of these beryllium samples were carried out for life time expansion under pure water. As a result, the surface change of each Be sample was observed by the corrosion test and influenced by the content of BeO and the grain size.



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