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Report No.

Effect of oxygen-to-metal ratio on properties of corium prepared from UO$$_{2}$$ and zircaloy-2

Hirooka, Shun ; Kato, Masato   ; Morimoto, Kyoichi ; Komeno, Akira ; Uchida, Teppei; Akashi, Masatoshi 

In order to evaluate the method to clean up molten corium generated in the severe accident of reactor melt down, physical properties such as melting temperature and thermal conductivity are necessary. In this study, corium which simulates the molten core of a BWR was prepared from UO$$_{2}$$ and zircaloy-2. Oxygen to metal (O/M) ratio of the corium was adjusted to hyper-stoichiometry, and the physical properties were investigated.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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