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Report No.

Sensitivity analysis of low-volatile FPs and Cm-244 inventory in irradiated nuclear fuel for special nuclear material accountancy in fuel debris

Sagara, Hiroshi; Tomikawa, Hirofumi; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke

Fission products(FPs) such as Eu, Ce, Ru have low release ratio in case of core melting event in severe accident to co-exist inside fuel debris in oxide or metallic phase, based on TMI-2 experience and source term experiments. Passive $$gamma$$ spectroscopy of Ce-144/Pr-144 was utilized in quantifying special nuclear material in fuel debris of TMI-2 historically, and the same methodology might be applied to high energy $$gamma$$ emitter, Eu-154 and Ru-106. Passive neutron measurement has been also utilized for quantifying nuclear material practically. Different from conventional spent fuel, however, fuel debris would be lost in information of irradiated profile, release ratio of volatile FPs, and so on. In the present paper, sensitivity analysis of low-volatile FPs and Cm-244 inventory in irradiated nuclear fuel in light water reactor was performed numerically to clarify the uncertainty of low-volatile FP and Cm inventory regarding fuel irradiation parameters and calculation methodology, and to derive applicable index to quantify nuclear material in fuel debris.



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