A Study on fatigue and creep-fatigue life assessment using cyclic thermal tests with Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel structures
安藤 勝訓
; 金崎 宏*; 伊達 新吾*; 菊地 浩一*; 佐藤 健一郎*; 高正 英樹*; 月森 和之
Ando, Masanori; Kanasaki, Hiroshi*; Date, Shingo*; Kikuchi, Koichi*; Sato, Kenichiro*; Takasho, Hideki*; Tsukimori, Kazuyuki
To assess the failure estimation methods, cyclic thermal loading tests of cylindrical models with thick part were performed. In the tests, crack initiation and propagation processes at stress concentration area were observed by replica method. Besides those, finite element analysis (FEA) was carried out to estimate the number of cycles to failure. The crack initiation life was in a good agreement with the FEA result by considering the short term compressive holding. Through these test and FEA results, fatigue and creep-fatigue life assessment methods of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel including evaluation of cyclic thermal loading, short term compressive holding and failure criterion, were discussed.