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Report No.

Rapid synthesis of radioactive transition-metal carbonyl complexes at ambient conditions

Even, J.*; Yakushev, A.*; D$"u$llmann, C. E.*; Dvorak, J.*; Eichler, R.*; Gothe, O.*; Hild, D.*; J$"a$ger, E.*; Khuyagbaatar, J.*; Kratz, J. V.*; Krier, J.*; Niewischt, L.*; Nitsche, H.*; Pysmenetska, I.*; Sch$"a$del, M.; Schausten, B.*; T$"u$rler, A.*; Wiehl, N.*; Wittwer, D.*

Carbonyl complexes of radioactive transition metals can be easily synthesized with high yields by stopping nuclear fission or fusion products in a gas volume containing CO. Here, we focus on Mo, W, and Os complexes. The reaction takes place at pressures of around 1 bar at room temperature, i.e., at conditions that are easy to accommodate. The formed complexes are highly volatile. They can thus be transported within a gas stream without major losses to setups for their further investigation or direct use. The rapid synthesis holds promise for radiochemical purposes and will be useful for studying, e.g., chemical properties of superheavy elements.



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Category:Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear



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