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Report No.

Information of Broader Approach activities, 36

Ohira, Shigeru

This time, the 10th IFERC Project Committee Meeting held on 19-20th March 2012, the inauguration ceremony of the CSC High Performance Computer (HPC), establishment of the radiation controlled area and use of RI in DEMO R&D Building, and situation of the facilities related IFMIF/EVEDA are reported. At the 10th IFERC Project Committee Meeting, through check and review of the Annual Report 2011 of the IFERC Project and the revised Project Plan, including research of DEMO reactor safety, reflected with the Annual Report, recommendation to the Steering Committee was summarized. At the inauguration ceremony of the HPC, more than 120 people, attended for celebration. Presentations of the outline of the HPC and tour to the computer rooms were given. Establishment of radiation controlled area and introduction of the first RI (tritiated water 38 GBq in total) were done at DEMO R&D Building. Outdoor type cubicles for the electric systems for the IFMIF/EVEDA prototype accelerator were installed.



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