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Multi-fluid transport equations on the flux coordinates in tokamaks


本多 充; 福山 淳*; 中島 徳嘉*

Honda, Mitsuru; Fukuyama, Atsushi*; Nakajima, Noriyoshi*

The one-dimensional multi-fluid transport code TASK/TX is used to investigate the physics regarding rotation, radial current and the radial electric field. Unlike conventional diffusive transport codes, its equation system is more fundamental in that the code directly solves the momentum equations for all species plus Maxwell's equations. The main drawback to the code is that the basis equations are built on the cylindrical coordinates. Neoclassical effects have already been incorporated and its validity has been confirmed, but any geometrical effects have not entered yet. In this study, we derive the equations on the axisymmetric flux coordinates in a manner consistent with the current TASK/TX concept. The equations are projected onto the radial, poloidal ant toroidal directions in the current framework. In the flux coordinates, however, we have to project the equations of motion onto the radial, parallel and toroidal direction because of the neoclassical nature of a toroidal plasma.



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