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Gutzwiller method for heavy-fermion systems under a magnetic field


久保 勝規 

Kubo, Katsunori

We study the periodic Anderson model under a magnetic field by the Gutzwiller method. In this study, we set the Coulomb interaction between $$f$$ electrons infinity, and we consider the variational wave function given by $$| psi rangle =P | phi_{uparrow} rangle otimes | phi_{downarrow} rangle,$$ where $$P=prod_{i}[1-n_{f i uparrow}n_{f i downarrow}]$$ excludes the double occupancy of $$f$$ electrons at the same site and $$n_{f i sigma}$$ is the number operator of the $$f$$ electron with spin $$sigma$$ at site $$i$$. $$| phi_{sigma} rangle$$ denotes the one-electron part of the wave function. We evaluate energy of the variational wave function by using Gutzwiller approximation, and determine the variational parameters in the one-electron part which minimize energy. Then, spin-dependent effective mass and magnetization under a magnetic field are obtained.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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