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Study on cavitation due to sub-surface vortex at intake of hot-leg pipe in sodium cooled fast reactor, 3; Influences of kinematic viscosity on vortex cavitation occurrences in complicated geometry

Ezure, Toshiki ; Ito, Kei; Onojima, Takamitsu; Kimura, Nobuyuki; Kamide, Hideki 

The occurrence conditions of vortex cavitation were examined in the 1/22 scaled water model experiment which has similar geometry to the upper plenum of JSFR. In the experiments, visualization measurements of vortex cavitation were performed under the various pressure, velocity and kinematic viscosity conditions to grasp those influences on the occurrence of vortex cavitation. The experimental results show that vortex cavitation occurs easily with the decrease of pressure and kinematic viscosity. Thus, the present experimental results were consistent to the results which were seen in the relatively low normalized circulation cases of the previous fundamental water experiment.



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