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A New irradiation method with a neutron filter for silicon neutron transmutation doping at the Japan research reactor No. 3 (JRR-3)


米田 政夫   ; 川崎 幸三*; 小原 徹*

Komeda, Masao; Kawasaki, Kozo*; Obara, Toru*


A new silicon irradiation holder with a neutron filter designed to make the vertical neutron flux profile uniform was studied. Irradiation methods to achieve uniform flux with a filter were discussed using Monte-Carlo calculation code MVP. Validation of the use of the MVP code for the holder's analyses was also discussed via characteristic experiments. It was found that a uniform profile of the vertical flux could be achieved by using the new type holder designed in this study. The vertical uniformity was $$pm$$3% when using the new type holder, while it was $$pm$$19.5% when using the normal holder. By using the new type holder, NTD-Si can be increased to 7 tons per year from 4 tons per year.



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分野:Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear



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