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Report No.

Technical development for in-pile IASCC irradiation experiments

Shibata, Akira ; Chimi, Yasuhiro; Hanawa, Satoshi ; Omi, Masao; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko 

JMTR is planning to perform in-pile IASCC (Irradation assisted stress corrosion cracking) growth tests using the JMTR. The objectives of this experiments are to understand the difference between in-pile IASCC growth behavior and out-of-pile SCC growth behavior, and to confirm the effectiveness of mitigation by lowering electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP). For this experiments, 0.5T-CT specimen loaded up to $$sim$$7 kN (corresponding to K $$sim$$ 30 MPa$$sqrt{m}$$), and the crack growth will be monitored by the Potential Drop Method in the irradiation capsule of the JMTR. Thus, the lever type loading unit was developed. ECP should be measured under irradiation condition in the reactor. The ECP sensor has been developed to determine the corrosive potential under high temperature and high pressure water condition. In this paper, development of the lever type loading unit and development of ECP sensor for in-pile IASCC growth tests are described.



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