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Report No.

Electrochemical behavior of SUIS310Nb stainless steel in nitric acid solution containing U, Pu and Np

Yamamoto, Masahiro ; Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Kato, Chiaki   ; Ueno, Fumiyoshi  ; Nojima, Yasuo*; Fujine, Sachio*

Electrochemical behavior of SUS310Nb stainless steel in nitric acid solution was investigated using specially designed electrochemical cell in which dealt with the solution containing radioactive elements. Polarization curves of SUS310Nb steel were measured the range from room temperature to boiling condition in 3N nitric acid solution containing U, Pu and Np. The results show that corrosion potentials and currents were affected by the reduced reactions of added ions and temperatures. Especially, Np(VI) ion accelerated corrosion rate dominantly. It was also discussed the effect of deduced reactions of the other ions.



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