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Orbital magnetism in Cd$$_2$$Os$$_2$$O$$_7$$ studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

Matsuda, Yasuhiro*; Her, J.-L.*; Michimura, Shinji*; Inami, Toshiya; Suzuki, Motohiro*; Kawamura, Naomi*; Mizumaki, Masaichiro*; Kindo, Koichi*; Yamaura, Junichi*; Hiroi, Zenji*

X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at the $$L$$$$_{2,3}$$-edge of Os has been investigated in the antiferromagneticphase of Cd$$_2$$Os$$_2$$O$$_7$$, which exhibits a metal-insulator transition around 227 K. According to the sum rule, the XMCD spectra at 10 and 37 T clearly show that the ratio between the orbital magnetic moment ($$m_{rm L}$$) and spinmagnetic moment ($$m_{rm S}$$) is $$m_{rm L}/m_{rm S} = 0.16 pm 0.02$$, and that $$m_{rm L}$$ and $$m_{rm S}$$ are coupled in parallel ($$m_{rm L}parallel m_{rm S}$$). These phenomena are unusual in that the expected ground state of Os$$^{5+}$$ (5$$d^3$$) is an orbital singlet in a cubic crystal field, and $$m_{rm L}$$and $$m_{rm S}$$ should be antiparallel for a less than half-filled system in accordance with Hund's third rule. It is likely that the spin-orbit coupling is important for explaining the observed orbital magnetism.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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