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Report No.

Status of J-PARC accelerators

Hasegawa, Kazuo

The status and progress of the J-PARC accelerators are reported. After nine-months of beam shutdown by the Great Earthquake, the J-PARC facility resumed beam operation. In December 2011, operations were carried out at low duty such as single-shots or 1 to 2.5 Hz for beam tuning. At the beginning of January 2012, we started beam tuning at the full repetition rate of 25 Hz at the linac and the RCS. After the tuning, user programs of the MLF, NU and HD started. The beam power was increased from 100 to 200 kW to the MLF users, from 3.3 kW to 6 kW to the Hadron users, and from 140 to 200 kW to the Neutrino users. The beam availability, however, went lower to 73% in JFY 2011 due to the trouble of the linac klystron power supply in March, but it has got back to 90-94% as of June in JFY2012. We have also much upgrade work during the shutdown period or in parallel to the operation.



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