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Report No.

DFT study on the electronic structure and chemical state of americium in an (Am,U) mixed oxide

Suzuki, Chikashi ; Nishi, Tsuyoshi; Nakada, Masami  ; Tsuru, Tomohito   ; Akabori, Mitsuo; Hirata, Masaru ; Kaji, Yoshiyuki  

We investigated the electronic state of a CaF$$_{2}$$-type (Am,U) mixed oxide using the all-electron full potential linear augmented plane wave method and compared it with those of Am$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$, AmO$$_{2}$$, UO$$_{2}$$, and La$$_{0.5}$$U$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{2}$$. The valence of Am in the mixed oxide was close to that of Am$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ and the valence of U in the mixed oxide was pentavalent. The electronic structure of AmO$$_{2}$$ was different from that of Am$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$, particularly just above the Fermi level. In addition, the electronic states of Am and U in the mixed oxide were similar to those of trivalent Am and pentavalent U oxides. These electronic states reflected the high oxygen potential of AmO$$_{2}$$ and the heightened oxygen potential resulting from the addition of Am to UO$$_{2}$$ and also suggested the occurrence of charge transfer from Am to U in the solid solution process.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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