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Design and operation of TE$$_{31,12}$$ high power gyrotron

Kajiwara, Ken; Oda, Yasuhisa; Takahashi, Koji; Kasugai, Atsushi; Sakamoto, Keishi

A high power gyrotron is designed and tested. The design is based on the TE$$_{31,8}$$ 1 MW gyrotron. The higher power design is realized by choosing TE$$_{31,12}$$ higher order oscillation mode, because the larger n (= 12) number gives lower loss on the cavity wall, which allows more than 1 MW oscillation. Since, the beam radius at cavity is same for TE$$_{31,8}$$ and TE$$_{31,12}$$, the electron gun, beam tunnel and collector can be same as TE$$_{31,8}$$ gyrotron. The cavity, mode converter and internal mirrors are optimized for TE$$_{31,12}$$ oscillation. An initial test of the TE$$_{31,12}$$ high power gyrotron is performed in JAEA test stand. It is successfully achieved stable 1 MW operation (1030 kW/2s). The longest shot is 550 kW/198s.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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