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AC spinmotive force generation by a DC magnetic field in a modulated nanowire

Ieda, Junichi   ; Yamane, Yuta*; Maekawa, Sadamichi

Spinmotive force is a new concept in the field of spin transport. To produce the spinmotive force it is required that the magnetization depends both on time and space. A DW motion in a uniform nanowire driven by a DC magnetic field generates a DC spinmotive force. The ferromagnetic resonance in a comb-shaped thin film and the vortex core gyration in a disk excited by AC magnetic fields generate a DC and AC spinmotive forces, respectively. In this study, by using a periodically modulated nanowire we demonstrate that the AC spinmotive force can be generated by applying a DC magnetic field. We also discuss the field- and shape-dependence of the output AC signals.



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