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Report No.

Multiplier effect on separation of Am and Cm with hydrophilic and lipophilic diamides

Sasaki, Yuji  ; Tsubata, Yasuhiro   ; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro  ; Sugo, Yumi; Shirasu, Noriko  ; Morita, Yasuji  

Following the nuclear properties, the different disposal methods for Am, Cm and lanthanides in HLW have been investigating, e.g., Am; transmutation, Cm; interim storage and Ln; geological disposal. The mutual separation is an important task. However, these trivalent Ln and An are difficult to separate due to their very similar chemical behavior, same oxidation state and similar ionic radii. We try to use both hydrophilic and lipophilic diamides in an extraction system simultaneously in order to attain the effective mutual separation. In this work, lipophilic DOODA or DGA are used as the extractant and some hydrophilic diamides are employed as the masking agents. The results of mutual separation of Am/Cm/Ln are discussed in this work.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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