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J-PARC recovery status


山本 風海   

Yamamoto, Kazami


The beam commissioning of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) started in November 2006. After that a provided beam power was increased by the beam commissioning. Just before the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, the Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) of the J-PARC provided 200kW proton beam to neutron users, and Main Ring (MR) provided 145kW proton beam to Neutrino target. However, the facilities of J-PARC were seriously damaged by the Earthquake. We completed not only the recovery work in only nine months, but also improved some devices. A beam operation after recovery work shows that those improvements enabled further high power operation. In the Linac and RCS, output power was not only reproduced but also increased to 275kW. In MR, extraction beam power in both modes (Slow extraction for Hadron experimental hall and Fast extraction for Neutrino target) were increased as well.



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