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Report No.

Neutronics of SiC-LiPb high temperature blanket for tritium production

Kwon, S.*; Sato, Satoshi; Kasada, Ryuta*; Konishi, Satoshi*

Tritium production/breeding behavior in LiPb blanket module was evaluated by neutron transport code MCNP with nuclear cross-section data from FENDL-2.1 libraries. The calculation results were suggested that the sufficient TBR can be obtained in the SiC-LiPb blanket concept. A proper integral experiment on LiPb with DT neutrons in a small test module was evaluated. Also, tritium breeding ratio, tritium production ratio, proper neutron shielding material and nuclear heating in the module were evaluated. With the results of TPR and actual neutron generation devices, we have proposed the plan of the integral experiment and measurable tritium amount.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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