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Report No.

Intermediate-valence icosahedral Au-Al-Yb quasicrystal

Watanuki, Tetsu; Kashimoto, Shiro*; Kawana, Daichi*; Yamazaki, Teruo*; Machida, Akihiko; Tanaka, Yukinori*; Sato, Taku*

A quasiperiodic, intermediate-valence (IV) system is realized in an icosahedral Au-Al-Yb quasicrystal. X-ray absorption spectroscopy near the Yb $$L$$$$_{3}$$-edge indicates that quasiperiodically arranged Yb ions assume a mean valence of 2.61, between a divalent state (4$$f$$$$^{14}$$, $$J$$ = 0) and a trivalent one (4$$f$$$$^{13}$$, $$J$$ = 7/2). Magnetization measurements demonstrate that the 4$$f$$ holes in this quasicrystal have a localized character. The magnetic susceptibility shows a Curie-Weiss behavior above $$sim$$100 K with an effective magnetic moment of 3.81 $$mu$$$$_{rm B}$$ per Yb. Moreover, a crystalline approximant to this quasicrystal is an IV compound. We propose a heterogeneous IV model for the quasicrystal, whereas the crystalline approximant is most likely a homogeneous IV system. At temperatures below $$sim$$10 K, specific heat and magnetization measurements reveal non-Fermi-liquid behavior in both the quasicrystal and its crystalline approximant without either doping, pressure, or field tuning.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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