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Report No.

Fundamental study on REV based on crack tensor at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Tanno, Takeo; Sato, Toshinori  ; Sanada, Hiroyuki; Hikima, Ryoichi; Kumasaka, Hiroo*; Tada, Hiroyuki*

The crack tensor model which is a kind of equivalent continuum model has been studied in rock mechanical investigation in the MIU. The fractured rock mass is modeled as the elastic continuum model with this crack tensor. In this study, this crack tensor based on the geological observation in the MIU project was calculated, and REV (Representative Elementary Volume) in the ventilation shaft and -300m access/research gallery was studied based on the relative error of this crack tensor. As a result, the convergence of the relative error was faster in the -300m access/research gallery than in the ventilation shaft.



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